Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.ispartof??? Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type |
Oct-2016 | Air-powder polishing on self-ligating brackets after clinical use: effects on debris levels | ARAGÓN, Mônica Lídia Castro de; LIMA, Leandro Santiago; NORMANDO, Antonio David Corrêa | Artigo de Periódico |
Apr-2015 | Alterations in plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation promoted by treatment with self-ligating and conventional orthodontic brackets | CARDOSO, Mauricio de Almeida; SARAIVA, Patrícia Pinto; BRANGELI, Liliana Ávila Maltagliati; RHODEN, Fernando Kleinübing; COSTA, Carla Cristina Alvarenga ; NORMANDO, Antonio David Corrêa; CAPELOZZA FILHO, Leopoldino | Artigo de Periódico |
Jun-2015 | Changes in lower dental arch dimensions and tooth alignment in young adults without orthodontic treatment | MAUAD, Bruno Aldo; SILVA, Robson Costa; ARAGÓN, Mônica Lídia Castro de; PONTES, Luana Farias; SILVA JÚNIOR, Newton Guerreiro da; NORMANDO, Antonio David Corrêa | Artigo de Periódico |
Aug-2016 | Cleansing orthodontic brackets with air-powder polishing: effects on frictional force and degree of debris | LEITE, Brisa dos Santos; FAGUNDES, Nathália Carolina Fernandes; ARAGÓN, Mônica Lídia Castro de; DIAS, Carmen Gilda Barroso Tavares; NORMANDO, Antonio David Corrêa | Artigo de Periódico |
Oct-2016 | Color changes of esthetic orthodontic ligatures evaluated by orthodontists and patients: a clinical study | KAWABATA, Edilene; DANTAS, Vera Lucia; KATO, Carlos Brito; NORMANDO, Antonio David Corrêa | Artigo de Periódico |
Feb-2016 | Deflection test evaluation of different lots of the same nickel-titanium wire commercial brand | NEVES, Murilo Gaby; LIMA, Fabrício Viana Pereira; GURGEL, Júlio de Araújo; VERCELINO, Célia Regina Maio Pinzan; REZENDE, Fernanda Soares; BRANDÃO, Gustavo Antônio Martins | Artigo de Periódico |